Technical Description

Technical Description 2018-05-07T14:31:41+00:00

A Complete and Comprehensive Technical Description

At Denicourt Arpenteurs-Géomètres Inc., our team can produce a technical description of a plot of land to identify easements. We make it our priority to deliver complete and comprehensive documents that comply with the standards of different bodies.

Detail a Lot’s Surrounding Boundaries

The technical description is a surveying document that details boundary limitations for which specific rights apply. The technical description includes the following elements:

  • Passage servitude
  • Rights-of-ways
  • Draining ditches
  • Public utility easements
  • Infringement servitudes
  • Temporary or permanent construction easements
  • Non-access easements
  • Aerial easements
  • Municipal boundaries
  • Agricultural zone boundaries
  • Administrative boundaries

When producing a technical description, the land surveyor illustrates the boundaries of a parcel of land (length and cardinal direction). They also calculate the entire surface area of the land while taking into account the boundaries of surrounding properties.

As in the case of a certificate of location, a plan of the parcel of land that clearly indicates land boundaries is joined to the technical description.

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